
Tonsillitis is a common illness in children. It can be very distressing and often starts with a fever and pain when swallowing due to swollen tonsils. This is usually caused by an infection from viruses or bacteria.

Surgery involves having an operation called a Tonsillectomy to remove the tonsils. This is done while your child is asleep under a General Anaesthetic.

This may be an option if your child has had:

  • seven or more sore throats in the last year that have been bad enough for you to seek medical advice
  • five or more sore throats requiring you to seek medical advice in the last two years
  • three or more sore throats requiring you to seek medical advice in the last three years (ENT UK, 2022)

A Tonsillectomy can help your child's symptoms, but, as with any surgery, there are risks involved. It is important that you understand the possible risks when deciding what to do next, these will be discussed at your clinic appointment if surgery is recommended by one of your specialist Consultants.

A Tonsillectomy is performed as a day case so your child will be able to go home once they have met discharge criteria.

We appreciate that preparing yourselves and your child for surgery can be worrisome, therefore we have included some online information for you to refer to in your own time:

Helping you decide about tonsil surgery for your child | ENT UK

After your child’s tonsil surgery: tips for parents | ENT UK

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